Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This is my Cowel and 2 quilted cans

Okay, if my husband reads this title, he'll say, "Yup! That's them alright!"

My sister made this for me for my birthday. I love it and I cannot wait until the weather calls for it. And believe me, the winters get pretty cold out here. It's gotten all the way down to 7 last year. 40 degrees was a warm day. Anyways, thanks so much sister!

Here is the can that matches with the last post.

I hope you all have a wonderful day....lots of love!!


cucu for knitting said...

you are very welcome, sister. i really hope it keeps you (at least)some what warm!! as soon as i saw the pattern for this, i thought of you. Love You,mary

cucu for knitting said...

i really like the stuff you make. you keep up the good work!!