Now this constellation looking one is something that happened by accident. I knew i wanted taken with teal and basic black together and this is what happened. Don't you love it when something comes from nothing. Well it's not nothing cause' we do get the product together and are on the constant look out for color schemes and inspiration and are thinking about stamping and paper and ink 24 hours a day and....oh, that might be just me. Sorry....anyways, i'm on vacation this week and will be hanging around the house during the hours that my family and i don't have something to do so maybe i'll get to put out a couple of more pic's. Is it just me or do you all create more than you post? I'm always afraid that i wouldn't have something to say about my stuff. But i guess it doesn't matter cause' most people just look at the pic's anyways. Enjoy your day and God Bless you.

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